Seal of Dane County County of Dane
Dane County Department of Human Services Provider Hub

CCS Frequently Asked Questions

Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) is a voluntary, community-based program under Chapter DHS 36 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code that provides psychosocial rehabilitation services to clients across the lifespan who have needs for ongoing, high or low-intensity services resulting from mental health or substance use disorders, but who are not in need of Community Support Program (CSP) services. These services and support activities are designed to assist CCS clients to achieve their highest possible level of independent functioning, stability, and independence, and to facilitate recovery.

Everything starts with the CCS Provider Network <>

Reach out to the CCS Provider Network for further information on how to get involved with CCS.

  • CCS = Comprehensive Community Services
  • SF = Service Facilitator
  • MHP = Mental Health Professional
  • SAP = Substance Abuse Professional
  • ICM = Informed Consent for Medications
  • A = Assessment
  • AS = Assessment Summary
  • RMR = Recovery Meeting Roster
  • RTM = Recovery Team Meeting
  • C-SSRS = Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
  • RP = Recovery Plan
  • Service Authorization Categories
    • S&A = Screening and Assessment
    • SP = Service Planning
    • SF = Service Facilitation
    • DE = Diagnostic Evaluation
    • MM = Medication Management
    • PHM = Physical Health Monitoring
    • PS = Peer Support
    • ISD = Individual Skill Development & Enhancement
    • ERST = Employment-Related Skill Training
    • FP = Individual and/or Family Psychoeducation
    • WM = Wellness Management and Recovery/Recovery Support Services
    • PSYCH = Psychotherapy
    • SAT = Substance Abuse Treatment

Gaining access to the Dane County system starts with getting Credentialed through the CCS Provider Network. Once the CCS Provider Network has everything they need from you, they will Submit a request for Network Access to the County IT department. 

When IT has made the neceessary account connections, you will receive an email with your Username and initial Password, along with instructions on how to 'Activate' your credentials.

The process of Activating your credentials involves setting up a 4-digit PVN (PIN number). This is your PIN number and it should not be shared or written down. Keep it as confidential as your bank ATM pin. When Activating your credentials, you are also given the option to use a smartphone app (Entrust Identity), or get a pdf GRID. Both options will work for system access, it depends on which method you prefer.

  • App: The Entrust Identity app is downloaded onto your smartphone from your app store. You will login with your username and password to your Entrust Account that you Activated. After loggin in, you are presented with an 8-digit number that updates every 30-seconds.
  • Grid: The Grid is a pdf document. It is 5 rows and 10 columns of characters. You can save this pdf to your computer, you can print it off and carry a paper copy of it, but you need this Grid everytime you login to the Dane County system. It is recommended to take a photo of your Grid with your phone, for quick/easy access to your Grid.

Any computer that you will use to access the Dane County system will need to have Citrix Workspace installed on it. Instructions on how to install citrix are included on your email with your credentials.

Finally, when you want to login to the Dane County system, you will open a Browser and navigate to You will login with your username and password, then you are asked for your PVN, which is immediately followed by, either your 8-digit code from the App, or 3 randomly selected coordinates from your Grid.

CCS Module

SF Assignment
Progress Notes

Billing Module